
I'm a first-year computer science student at UPJV,with a strong passion for coding. My journey is all about diving deep into the world of programming and exploring its endless possibilities.

I began with Python in 2018, played a lot with Arduino and C for IoT projects, and dabbled with HTML, CSS, and JS. Now, I write a little too much TypeScript code.

I like going to the gym, probably the only thing I do apart from coding and going to school to code. I listen to a lot of music and watch way too many ThePrimeTime videos on YouTube. I almost forgot, instead of sleeping, I spend my nights laughing at reels on Instagram.


  • Html 5
  • Css
  • JavaScript
  • Tailwind Css
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Next js 13
  • C
  • C++
  • Node js
  • Mongo db
  • Firebase


  • Personal Project

    LetsCode Online Compiler

    An online compiler for exams, allowing teachers to create sessions and students to join with IDs, automatically disconnects users if they navigate away or switch windows.
    • FireBase
    • Next.js
    • Tailwind CSS
    • TypeScript
    LetsCode Online Compiler Image
  • Personal Project

    LetsCode Collaborative Editor

    A simple collaborative code editor that allows people to work together in real-time.
    • Socket IO
    • Redux
    • Node.JS
    • Next.js
    • Tailwind CSS
    • TypeScript
    LetsCode Collaborative Editor image
  • Personal Project


    VibeSender is a dynamic messaging app for modern communication. Still in developement, had to focus more on my studies, will finish it during summer.
    • Next.JS
    • Tailwind CSS
    • FireBase
    • TypeScript
  • School Project


    A terminal-based interface application that allows a swimmers association to perform basic administrative tasks: add a new swimmer, delete a swimmer, modify swimmer data, view the list of swimmers, find specific entries, sort using QuickSort and BubbleSort, and analyze various statistics on the swimmers data. Built this with some classmates.
    • C
    • Python
    • MakeFile
  • Personal Project

    Back-End for EtoileConte

    EtoileConte is an app built with Flutter. It utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3 Turbo to generate bedtime stories for children and employs OpenAI's Text-to-Speech to convert the generated text into speech. This audio and the text is then stored in a database alongside user login information, providing a personalized experience.
    • Python
    • Nginx
    • Gunicorn
    • Django Rest API
    • DockerFile
    • Openai API
    Back-End for EtoileConte
  • Personal Project

    Personal portfolio v1

    A fork of what Brittany Chiang built.
    • Gatsby
    • JavaScript
    • Styled-Components
    Personal website image

People I'd like to meet

Inspired by Rafael Conde's heroes list, This is a list of some of the people I'd like to high five IRL.